Wednesday, March 30, 2005

New Penny

Penny Heartbreaker Posted by Hello

This is a new image of Penny I've been goofing around with. I'm kind'a digging this take. When I started it, I had intended to only use it as the 'cover' image to Hold My Life. (God, I am so link-happy these days.) But now I can think of one other use for it, just cuz I like the image.

Dave McKean does something in his "Pictures That Tick" book called one page comics. I think I'd like to take this image and make it a one panel comic, basically a single image with a text piece. That might be something fun to experiment with. The trick would be telling the story in text form and having it still be interesting.

If I did that, I'd also like to take the Illustrator file, and have the whole thing printed on a large format printer, about 3' tall, mount it and place it in the gallery. It's all vector art, so I can make it as big as a truck and the resolution would still be perfect. I love Illustrator.

Dunno who'd buy it, but that's beside the point.

I gotta remember to add that "No Loitering" sign on the post behind her, and put some names on those street signs behind her. The headband turned out cool, though.


At 1:26 PM, Blogger Monsterboy said...





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