Thursday, March 24, 2005

Clearing out the cobwebs

Okayyy, I'm back.

Y'know, we moved in December, and initially, I figured I'd take a couple weeks off from the blog and the site, get settled, and I'd be back up and running by mid-January.


Anyway, at some point, I realized that I'd lost any momentum that I had going on the webcomic, which is a problem I don't want to face again. Ever. And here I'd just gotten a nice little plug from Warren Ellis on, so naturally I'd decide to take three months off and brilliantly squander the boost in traffic that said plug had garnered me.

Nonetheless, that's past. And I'm back now. Sorta. But not just yet. A proper launch of Karmic Calamity and Hold My Life are both on their way, and it'll be worth the wait.

Sometime between December and February, we decided to call our gallery (which isn't even built yet) Karmic Calamity as well, which would necessitate a major redesign of the website. Then we started talking about having the business be a newsstand as well as a gallery, for which Karmic Calamity would be a horrible name. Karmic Calamity Newsstand? Ummm, maybe not.

We're just beginning to work on the business plan for the Newsstand Gallery idea, so that, when it happens, will necessitate a redesign for the website, but in the meanwhile, I can go forward with my plans for Hold My Life. That alone will take plenty of my time.

So here's my plan: I'm going to use the San Diego Comicon (July 11) as my target date, and work offline on the webcomic. Basically, there's a lot of development stuff, backstory and miscellany that only exists in my head at this point. Not the least of which is the blog that I have to build for Penny. Interactivity is something that I always wanted to incorporate into Hold My Life, after a friend of mine (Barry) suggested it. As soon as he mentioned it, I realized that Penny being a blogger could open up countless story ideas and innovative ways to tell her story... all I'd need is a blog for her, and I could cross link between webcomic and blog... I could also link to other sites, which would be kind'a like the old Editor's notes that we used to see in comics. I love the idea, because it creates another level of content for the comic.

There's also a lot of writing and drawing that I need to do in advance, just to get some work 'in the can' so to speak. That way, when I do officially launch the webcomic, I can avoid massive downtime or delays...

So, In the meanwhile, I'll probably be spending more of my time working on that than posting here, which is unfortunate but necessary. If I do everything right, though, I'll be able to launch Hold My Life as a valid webcomic by summer.


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