Sunday, July 10, 2005

Countdown to Calamity

And so, three months after the last reported sighting of him on the blogosphere or internet, the Quark Monkey returns...triumphant?
You bet!
I just uploaded the newly re-tweaked version of Hold My Life. The webcomic itself doesn't look much different than it had before I went offline, but it is very, very different than it had been. The biggest change, and the one that took the most time, is the addition of Penny Heartbreaker's actual blog. (Yes, I know her blog looks exactly like mine, cut me some slack--!) It cross links with the webcomic, so whenever she's talking about something that happened in the past, you can click on the text and it'll take you to her actual blog entry from that date.
I love this feature. I feel like it adds whole other level of story to the webcomic, and it's allowed me to figure out so much about the character. I found that, along the way, Penny has had numerous little adventures, many of which are now hinted at in the blog. One day, I'll go back and expand on those blog entries with actual webcomics that cover those adventures, but in the meanwhile, readers can check in on the blog if they wish, and get a tease of where this girl's been.
I also fixed the button for Ninja Ducks!
Hopefully, I'll be able to get a few billion postcards printed this week before we leave, and place them on the freebie table at the entrance to the San Diego Convention center. There are tens of thousands of people who pass through those doors each day. I'm hopeful that at least some of them will pick up the postcard, see the lovely Penny Heartbreaker and the web address, and decide to give the website a shot when they return home.
If that works, then it should be a smooth ride after that. I've got enough of a backlog of work done on the strip that I haven't posted yet, that I can begin posting new episodes August 1, and not have to worry about falling behind for quite awhile.
Yeah, right... we'll see about that, huh?


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