Saturday, July 16, 2005

A Geekfest of Monumental Proportions

That's right, it's 12:39 AM on a Friday night, and where am I? About twenty feet away from the bar, writing a blog entry about the first two days of San Diego Comicon.

Why? Well, because drinks here at the Hilton Gaslamp are prohibitively expensive, and I've had quite a few. So, I'd might as well leave there, and come in here to the comfort of this lovely computer that's kicked me out of aol every single time I've tried to email my friend Barry (I think it has something to do with the f-bombs, I'll try again) and write in my blog about what's happened so far.

I'm amazed at the level of webcomic-related programming at this year's con. There have been two panels each day so far, with at least two on the way tomorrow, and another Sunday. This is exponentially more webcomic stuff compared to last year, as I seem to recall there being, well... none.

Some fun panels, and some incredibly interesting people who are out there doing this thing on their own, on the frontier of webcomics. I hear some discussion out there about the need to see some longer form stuff, perhaps something that could appeal to a mainstream audience, and the occasional mention that, perhaps some interactivity might be nice to see out there.

I really think that I'm on to something with Hold My Life now. I think it has a lot of mainstream appeal, and the blog thing adds a certain level of interactivity. Who knows what anyone else will think of it. For all I know, I just passed out a bunch of promo cards to people who will take one look at this thing, decide it's incoherent drek and move on.

I hope that doesn't turn out to be the case, though. I do think I need to find a way into the webcomics community, though. Sure seems like a lot of really interesting people that I'd like to get to know. I'm sitting on my hands, barely able to contain myself through the panels at this point. I haven't had that sort of reaction to comicon in, well... ever. It's fun to be excited about something.

Of course, we've had to balance our time at the con with more touristy, Rhonda-friendly pursuits, and I think we've done a better job of it this year than in year's previous. We did the trolley-thing today, which in retrospect, kind'a seems like something Penny Heartbreaker would do "to get the lay of the land" so to speak. We had breakfast at the Cheese Shop, then headed over to the light rail stop next to our hotel to jump on and have a little trolley adventure.

We didn't meet a kid named Dex, but we did briefly speak with some chick who was every bit as confused about how San Diego's light rail system worked. A bit on the arcane side, the process of getting a ticket... which seemed kind'a pointless, as nobody ever asked us for, or directed us to actually use the ticket we purchased for anything. I ended up putting my gum in mine and tossing it.
Since it's such a Penny-esque adventure, I'll save it for another post. Maybe tomorrow morning...


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