Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Annual Grant McIver Going Away Party

Yeesh, what a day.

I've posted a new episode of Hold My Life. Another brief episode might be up as soon as this weekend. I'm feeling productive lately.

Be warned, though, I am going to have to go in and re-work the Episode Guide this evening so it functions better. It does this weird thing that can only come from the artist (Flash Monkey?) being half-asleep as he was working last night. You'll see what I'm talking about if you read the webcomic before I've fixed it. I honestly dunno what I was doing when I was finishing that up last night, but when I looked at it this morning, I thought "what the hell is this?"

Fortunately, it's just the episode guide, not something completely jacked-up with the webcomic. And it'll take all of a minute to fix, if that long.

One reason I was tired was because, as I'd mentioned in my blearly late night blog entry from last night, the Flappybats jammed. We're gearing up for the gig that we're billing as "The Annual Grant McIver Going Away Party". We have a friend who just came back from 9 months in China teaching English. Before that, he'd left to travel through Central America (although I'm not exactly sure if he ever made it farther than Casino Arizona). On the 9th, he's gonna be making his way to Poland to try to do the teaching thing there. Poland in the winter, should be lovely.

The thing is, every time Grant takes off, there's a going away party. And hence, a joke was born in "The Annual Grant McIver Going Away Party". Grant hasn't seen us play in just about a year, and that was before Barry took up the bass and was reborn as Clyde Flappybat. We think we've gotten better. A little. Maybe. The two people who come to our shows say we have. Unfortunately one of those people is Rhonda, and the other is this crazy vagrant named Wes...

Well, at least this time we don't need the tabs for the songs we're playing, which is kind of an accomplishment for us. Lyrics are another story, though. We're covering a whole bunch of stuff, from AC-DC to the Buzzcocks to, of course, the Replacements. Maybe some Wilco, who knows?

Should be fun. If, for no other reason than to see Frank bust out his new Shark Guitar. The eye lights up, you know!


At 8:23 AM, Blogger Dale Ingram said...

Hey, at least it wasn't Larry saying "Blues beat-- BLUES BEAT!!!

Our post show routine involved going to IHOP with Clyde, Larry and Mergatron. When everybody ordered their food, Clyde asks the waitress to come closer, at which time he says "...say you've had ten drinks tonight. You're wasted, and you aren't sure you can hold down food right now. What would you recommend for someone in this situation?"

The high point of the evening for me was Clyde taking the drumsticks out of architect guy's hands in the middle of a song.

Mergatron did indeed crash on the couch. We ended up going to Artisan Village and walking around our soon-to-be new places with his brother Chris. Very cool guy.

Point of interest for Killa B... Mergatron said you were the best Mandolin player he'd ever heard...that evening.

At 10:37 AM, Blogger Dale Ingram said...

Y'know, the Flappybats could play five hundred songs and still not feel like it was enough.

We're pathetic that way.

Just think, Frank played an entire set on Sharky (as his alter-ego Francois Mustard) before getting behind the kit with us. Before that, he was spotted playing Dobro on Zevon songs during the acoustic set...All this and more, and he survived to tell the tale as usual. The man is simply an unstoppable musical force of nature.

BTW, that Replacements CD is awesome! D'you know if Bob played on any of those PTMM demos, or is it all Paul? I never knew if Bob even had any hand in the PTMM songs. Well, besides Can't Hardly Wait, but the album version is so different than what he played...


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