Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Ground Floor Marketing

I must've posted links to Hold My Life on a billion webcomics-related message boards today, in an effort to get people to check out the webcomic. I know I didn't hit everything out there, but the webcomic community seems pretty fragmented and all over the place.

If anyone has any suggestions on getting the word out, I'm all ears. I wish there'd been more of a point to that 'building an audience' panel last week at Comicon, but it really didn't provide me with much information other than post on message boards or try to get one of the established webcomic creators to link to you. Scott Kurtz suggested taking a shot at a webcomic you like. Perhaps I should start talking smack about him.

There's another thing that could happen, but it's an extremely long shot of actually happening, so I prefer to not even think about it, or talk about it. Outside of that, perhaps I could send a press release to some of the comics newssites...


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