Monday, March 13, 2006

Some New Town

If you're reading Hold My Life, and you've seen this week's episode... well, it's fairly obvious that some time has passed between the end of "All's Fair", and this week's episode.

Eight months, in fact.

What happened to Penny between July of last year and today? Lots of things. How did she end up taking a cab to Phoenix? Why is she going to a diner, who was she travelling with and why? And what's happened with Guttersnipe during that time?

I assure you, all of that will be revealed over the course of this new story arc. Those revelations will come from the comic itself, and also from Penny's blog, as that gap is filled in with information. I'm going to try to run the story parallel in the comic and blog for now, so as Penny catches us up in the series, so too will her blog be updated with additional posts from that time period.

I'm also going to attempt to start a new feature here, posting sketches and behind the scenes stuff from the comic. Hope you enjoy it, and if you do, spread the word.

Thanks, seeya.


At 8:37 AM, Blogger Dale Ingram said...

Man, that is such good news. Nice to see the boys getting along.

In a perfect world, this would lead to something more long lasting, like maybe a couple show dates.


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